What to expect from sound bath
Common Detox Symptoms after Sound Healing
Symptoms can occur almost immediately to days, weeks or months later
- Gas/Bloating/Burping
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Tiredness
- Emotional drain
- Visions
- Old memories coming up (flash or visuals)
- Itching/Rashes/Hives/Inflammation/Eczema
- Crying/Being emotional
- Need to go to the bathroom
- Unexpected feelings or thoughts
- Laughing
- Anger
- Headache
- Runny nose/Sneezing/Coughing
- Wanting to sleep more/Needing to sleep a lot
- Vivid or intense Dreams
- Craving healthier foods/Being hungrier
- Release of old pains stored in your body
- Wanting to forgive yourself or others
- Feeling more connected to Source
- Personal insights
- A sudden shift in your perspective on life or a particular situation.
- Feelings of being suddenly “in the zone.”
- An increase in energy levels or motivation
During the first week after treatment, avoid alcohol, caffeine, excess salt and sugar, and tobacco products. These substances inhibit your body’s detoxification process.
People who have a history of trauma, or who have a lot of stress in their lives tend to be more sensitive. A person’s current health state can also affect their healing journey. Some people may feel nothing at all.